Friday, April 30, 2010

The Real Last Blog

In class today, listening to people talk, I realized that there are some people in this class that I just can not stand. Even though I can not stand them, I still listen to them and try to respect what they say. I just believe that a class should be about learning, not about messing around and getting off topic. I plan on reading the book Sexson was talking about today- Zen of the art of motorcycle maintainence. After listening to him, I believe this will be a good book to read during my travels this summer. I have taken a lot out of this class and will constantly think about it when reading, even if I do not want to! Reading the Brothers K was hard but it is a must because it is one of the most important books in literature (says my mother). She was thrilled when she found out that I was reading this book, she decided to take it out of the bookshelf and read it also. I am hoping that when I finish the book, it will make me understand more about life. This class has opened up my brain and my eyes. Thank you.

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