Thursday, February 4, 2010

Ground Hogs Day

I woke up in the morning at 7am.  I got out of bed, walked into the kitchen made a bowl of frosted flakes poured milk into it and walked back into my room.  I then ate while sitting on my bed then walked into my closet and put sweatpants and a sweatshirt on.  After i finished my cereal, I went to my car, and got in it then drove to school.  I went to my educational psychology class, then my geography class then my history class.  After that I went home and made some noodles and then sat on the couched and read.  I read my history book for 5 hours.  At 6pm I went to the gym then came home and showered.  After showering I ate my leftovers from lunch and watched Michael Jacksons movie "This Is It" and went to bed.  I ended up going to sleep around 10pm.  

My life is pretty much the same schedule most days.  Exciting I know....

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