Monday, February 8, 2010

Icarus-"Landscape with the Fall of Icarus"

This painting is very interesting.  There is the pretty landscape and two people in the foreground that look like they are working.  It took me awhile to find Icarus in the painting.  On the right of the photo in the water there is a small leg coming out of the water.  This would be Icarus's leg.  The picture looks very peaceful.  If it was not for Icarus, it would look like a "picture perfect" type of painting.  There are ships in the water, trees, rocks, sheep and people.  It looks like a picture painted off a cliff in Greece.  Icarus should of known better then to fly too close to the sun because he knew his wings would melt.  It shows the ignorance of men and how a lot of times they will do what they want. 

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