Friday, April 30, 2010

The Real Last Blog

In class today, listening to people talk, I realized that there are some people in this class that I just can not stand. Even though I can not stand them, I still listen to them and try to respect what they say. I just believe that a class should be about learning, not about messing around and getting off topic. I plan on reading the book Sexson was talking about today- Zen of the art of motorcycle maintainence. After listening to him, I believe this will be a good book to read during my travels this summer. I have taken a lot out of this class and will constantly think about it when reading, even if I do not want to! Reading the Brothers K was hard but it is a must because it is one of the most important books in literature (says my mother). She was thrilled when she found out that I was reading this book, she decided to take it out of the bookshelf and read it also. I am hoping that when I finish the book, it will make me understand more about life. This class has opened up my brain and my eyes. Thank you.

Fairy Tales

After reading all three of the Cinderellas, it has made me reflect on other fairy tales. I am pretty sad about the fact that all of the fairy tales are not original. I grew up loving the princess stories and it was all I knew. Everything I had had to deal with the disney princesses. Now that I know they are not original, it makes me bummed out. In a way, I wish I did not know that they were not original but in a way I am glad I know. It will help with my teaching career and I can tie all types of stories together knowing that they are all linked in some way.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Lots Wife

I know the story of Lots Wife very well. I first read it in sunday school way back in the day. However what they left out in sunday school was the part where the daughters have sex with their father to preserve the family line. But after the angels said not to look back, his wife does. After she looks back, she is turned into a pillar of salt. It reminds me of adam and eve. God is putting temptation into the path of people and some choose to give into temptation. This reminds me of the story in the Grand Inquisitor. In this chapter, Ivan talks about all of the temptations Christ could of taken but he did not. Ivan says that Christ should of taken the temptations though so people would have security instead of freedom.

No boring books, just boring people

I agree but at the same time disagree. This is because it can be both. There are some books that I have no interest in reading and that I personally would think are boring but others would not. What this statement comes down to is really how the person percieves the book. I could think a book is super boring but there would be atleast one person out there that would think differently... this makes that book not boring. So yes there are not any boring books, but I disagree with the boring people aspect of the saying. Just because I think a book is boring does not mean that I am a boring person, because trust me, I am not boring atleast that is what I have been told. I guess this saying comes down to the person interpreting it.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Worst Day Ever

After going through my notes, I have realized there are a few blog topics that I did not blog about. One of those topics was the worst day ever. I have had many bad days growing up but I do not feel comfortable talking about them because they are really personal and happened when I was under the age of 8. But after that when my life calmed down, I remember a truly bad day. Most people would not think of this as a bad day, but to me who is addicted to shopping, it was truly BAD! It was around 8pm at night and it was raining out. I was going to my neighbors because her mom was going to take us shopping and there was a huge sale that was over in an hour! So I put my shoes on half way and ran down the front steps. However, because the steps were slippery, I fell down the steps and hit my head on a garden pot and had to go to the hospital to get stitches. It was horrible! I was so mad I could not go shopping! It was terrible and I missed an amazing sale. :(

The Last Blog

I have truly enjoyed this class as a whole. There have been parts where I do not like it but for the most part it was good. I have read the stories that I have always wanted to read and I feel like I have become a more knowledgeable person. There are lessons that I have learned that will stick with me, like "you do not know what you think until you see what you say" and "every story is a retelling of another story". These have been two of the biggest points in this class that I will never be able to forget. This class has done alot for me.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


In class on Monday, the professor commented on someone's paper after they presented and said that no the narrator is the first character and is unnamed. As I went back through the book to see if this was true, I realized it actually was! The narrator tells the story as if he is there or is watching everything happen. He also refers to himself as "I". Having a narrator is normal, but what is not as common is that the narrator is refered to as I. This really does bother me at times because it is not something I have seen/noticed before. Every time I will read a book from now on I will look for this and it will remind me of this big hard long book!!